Hero Serasa Experian


Almost 500,000 out of 6 million companies in Brazil are small or medium-sized (also known as SME companies). The power of SMEs is evident in their 30% share in Brazil's R$ 4.4 trillion GDP. The segment employs more people than any other: 10.1 million people are employed in small companies and 5.5 million in medium-sized companies.

For this reason, Serasa Experian, largest Latin America database, created the SME business unit to serve B2B’s client up to R$ 70 millions budget.

What does it mean? Creating solutions that help these SME’s to trade safely, finding customers of the desired profile, recovering debts faster and monitor your company.

My role

I was responsible for:
•  User Research
•  Prototyping
•  User Testing
•  UI Design (Responsive web)
•  Data Analysis

Team involved:
Product Owner, Content Writer, Marketing Specialists, SEO, Backend Developer, Frontend Developer and some stakeholders (product, business, operation and C-level).

The problem

Serasa Experian SME's area underwent a restructuring in 2019.
As a result, some products previously offered only for short enterprises
have been incorporated and should be now offered to SME customers as well.

Then, the challenge was:
Create a unique shopping experience for old and new customers.

The process

The design process was quite well organized. Despite the short deadline, I could do a good research.
From a Desk Research to survey personas' pains with whom we would speak from now on.

The process was organized as follows:

Design Process

Acquisition flow

The key point of the user's acquisition flow is to make it clear that he can navigate to different paths, ensuring that the story told at each stage of your journey will be highly explanatory. Then, we will be able to convert it in a true way, where the user will know what he is buying and will not feel frustrated.

Acquisition Flow

Prototyping ideas

The prototyping stage started with low fidelity drafts, structuring ideas collected during the discovery stage. After team validation, we continue with high-fidelity prototyping for stakeholders and users validation, seeking to guarantee the best experience within the flow created.

Paper Prototyping

Building the UI

After validated the main journey and user interactions, I refined the UI design for all website
and prepared the screens to handoff for the developers. One important info is that in Serasa Experian
we had a design system and it facilitated so much the process for design and development.

Responsive site
Serasa Experian PME Screens

Following up the KPIs

To understand the solution success, we started to follow some KPIs:
•  New visitors vs. returning visitors
•  Site traffic (including the source)
•  Time on site and in each page
•  Bounce rate
•  Conversion rate
•  Churn rate
•  Customer acquisition cost
•  Sales


Despite working with product design for a long time, this project was run entirely inside
the marketing team (acquisition). I believe that being so close to people on the team with such
varied and rich profiles brought more strength and support to the decisions I made.

Another interesting point was that within the company we work with Angular
as technology for websites. Since it was a project for new customer acquisition,
we opted to use pure HTML / CSS to make the site perform better on all channels.

I also believe that we could have tested more with the users during the design process.
However, we had such a short delivery date, so we had to use quantitative data
(Survey, Adobe Analytics and Hotjar) a lot more than collecting feedback from customers.